i know today's tuesday but it feels like a monday.
it's been two weeks like this; having a four-day holiday may seem fun, but it feels like a long drag when you've got nothing to do.
on saturday, ina came over and we made cheese buns. the peetniss rave was running high that time, and anyway, who doesn't like cheese buns? and then, me and my family went out that night, planning to go to JCM and after a million lost turns, we finally made it. into the parking lot, that is. you cannot believe how shitty the line was. we literally spent half an hour just sitting out, listening to the shitty band playing out side, probably playing for us to sit out here in the cars like sitting ducks. the line finally moved and we just got in the parking lot. haha. and we spent another shitty twenty minutes before we decided to just exit the hell out of there. we ended up eating near my univ.
well, all in all, it was better than being at home?
on sunday, i went for a morning swim with my cousin. i know i'm supposed to be out in a hijab at all times but, Allah forgive me, i still cannot be bothered to do it when i'm out near and it's frustrating. also i don't have a long-sleeved swimsuit. wouldn't it be awfully degrading myself if i had put on the hijab but remove my clothes to display a rather revealing swimsuit? it wasn't a bikini, but still.
i made dinner that night; garlic cheddar chicken and mashed potatoes. the potatoes were lumpy, but then again, i didn't have a potato masher.
on monday, i stayed at home the whole day, and it felt tasteless like flour and water. that night, i watched silver linings, and i swear i could not love jennifer lawrence even more. honestly, the inspring women in my life, other than my mother and my grandmother, are sara bareilles and jennifer lawrence. i have a girl crush on them, seriously.
today? feels like sunday. watched if i stay. and can i say it was an absolute awful movie? like, i know it was a book adaptation, and usually book adaptations are awful, but this was just complete trash. sure, tell everyone that my tears were falling endlessly when i found out her brother died, along with her parents and...honestly, if i were her, i wouldn't stay. just... there's something wrong with living when most of your family are dead, okay? just... Masya'Allah.
i re-read a thousand splendid suns. still an amazing work, by far. i love his works. i wished i have a physical copy of kite runner and and the mountains echoed. i never cared about politics, but the Talibans were ruthless.
also, while browsing on tumblr today, i came across Mike Brown. i never read the news, i'm sorry to say, and this...wow. this. what is the world coming to? divided by the colour of our skin. since when did colours of skin hurt anybody? why are the cops shitty? who decided that black people were harmful and scary and should be avoided at all times? why did they release darren? why are the cops shitty? when white people do crimes, they are forgiven because they are insane; but when black people put their hands up, they are shot 6 times? why are cops shitty?
anyway, i just finished a thousand splendid suns. so. fucking. sad.
i'm sorry. i cussed. but, still. :(
i will say goodbye for now; my stomach's a little queasy. i'd be reading a few peetniss fics, and then off to bed. tomorrow's a long day. good night.